Country: Nicaragua
Closing date: 04 Feb 2019
Duty Station: Managua, Nicaragua
Type Position: Fixed Term
Brief Note on UNICEF 2019-2013 Cooperation Country Programme:
In line with the national priorities, based on the experience and lessons learned from previous cooperation and the added value UNICEF can provide for the country, the programme will prioritize three components: child survival and development, quality and equitable education and the protection of children from violence. The programmatic priorities are aligned with the strategic priorities of the National Human Development Programme 2018-2021 and the national sectoral plans. The programme also responds to three of the Goal Areas of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 and to the Gender Action Plan, 2018-2021. All this will contribute to national efforts related to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda
The results and resources framework is the basis for monitoring and evaluating the country programme, as it helps to generate the information required to sustain programme implementation. The monitoring strategy will be focused on ensuring that there are indicators with baselines and targets for measuring progress towards delivering the outcomes. UNICEF technical and financial contributions to achieve the objectives will be monitored through financial audits, spot checks and programmatic field visits, in line with the principles of the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers.
UNICEF will help to strengthen the information systems of partner institutions for the generation and use of disaggregated data, taking into account equity, gender, disability, ethnic origin and geographic location to measure the impact of initiatives. The information required for monitoring progress in reaching targets agreed in the results and resources framework will be requested from the counterparts. The programme will also use the results of knowledge, attitudes and practices studies to measure the impact of communications strategies for behavior change.
The integrated monitoring and evaluation plan and the costed evaluation plan will serve as the basis for decision-making, improving existing policies and developing new child-centred policies as well as for replicating innovative measures. All this will be complemented by capacity-building in programmatic monitoring, research and evaluation methods and the analysis of gender challenges and inequalities.
How can you make a difference?
To ensure that the UNICEF Country Office has useful, valid and reliable information on• the situation of children’s and women’s rights; • the performance of UNICEF-supported programmes including their relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability, and in emergency contexts, their coverage, coordination and coherence.
To work within the UN country team to support UNCT goals for delivering valid and reliable information on the attainment of the MDGs and other goals, and on the performance of UN-supported programmes.
To assist in the establishment of a monitoring an evaluation tools which enhance partnership between the UNCT, government and other key players to collectively track progress on MDGs and other international commitment for children.To assist in the development of national capacities for monitoring, evaluation and research, with special attention to the interest, concern and participation of government, community, and civil society stakeholders.
Summary of key funtions/accountabilities:
Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Planning. The Country Office and national partners have a well-prioritised and realistic plan of research, monitoring and evaluation activities, developed collaboratively that provides all the relevant and strategic information needed to manage the Country Programme.
Situation Monitoring and Assessment . A collectively Situation Monitoring and Assessment system owned by all key partners is in place, trough which the Country Office and national partners have timely and accurate measurements of change in conditions of children, women, and their families in the country or region; this information is available to facilitate planning and measure program impact.
Programme Performance Monitoring . The planning function of the Country Office has quality information collected and disseminated with the participation of all concerned partners to assess progress towards expected annual and multi-year results.
Evaluation. UNICEF-supported evaluations attain established UN quality standards, and the results are disseminated in a timely fashion to stakeholders for improving programme performance and contributing to national and corporate learning.
M&E Capacity Building. The monitoring and evaluation capacities of Country Office staff and national partners – government and civil society – enhanced with the contribution of UNICEF knowledge partners meet the expectations and requirements of their positions and responsibilities.
Coordination and Networking . The UNICEF office is linked to wider UNICEF M&E developments in way that both contributes to and benefits from organizational learning on effective M&E management.
Key Accountabilities and Duties and Tasks
Within the delegated authority and under the given organizational set-up, the incumbent may be assigned the primarily, shared, or contributory accountabilities for all or part of the following areas of major duties and key end-results.
1. Integrated Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Plan (IMEP) Ensure that the Country Office and national partners use a well-prioritised and realistic plan of research, monitoring and evaluation activities that will provide the most relevant and strategic information to manage the Country Programme, including tracking and assessing UNICEF’s distinct contribution.
Duties & Tasks • Make professional contributions to and provide technical assistance for the planning and establishing the major research, monitoring and evaluation objectives, priorities, and activities in UNICEF’s multi-year and annual IMEPs, in consultation with child-rights and implementing partners.• Likewise, support the development of UNDAF M&E Plans from a sound results-based programming process. • Identify the M&E objectives, priorities, and activities required for effective CO and partner Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans, • In humanitarian response situations, within the first month, draft and recommend a simple one-month data-collection plan to cover key data gaps as required for the initial emergency response, working in close collaboration with the humanitarian clusters partners. • After the initial humanitarian response, support management of the medium-term response with a revised IMEP
2. Situation Monitoring and Assessment Ensure that the Country Office and national partners have timely and accurate measurement of change in conditions in the country or region, including monitoring of socio-economic trends and the country’s wider policy, economic or institutional context, to facilitate planning and to draw conclusions about the impact of programmes or policies.
Duties & Tasks • In coordination with other stakeholders, support the collection of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and other key social development indicators (through MICS or other surveys) to improve national planning. • Support partners in the establishment and management of national statistical databases (e.g., DevInfo), ensuring that key indicators are readily accessible by key stakeholders. Potential uses include the Situation Analysis, Common Country Assessment, Early Warning Monitoring Systems, and Mid-Term Reviews. • Develop a collectively Situation Monitoring and Assessment system owned by all key partners which supports the preparation of country level statistical and analytic reports on the status of children’s and women’s rights issues; and which allow, when opportunities emerge to influence developmental and social policies. To include technical support to global reporting obligations including national reports on progress toward the MDGs, and toward CRC and CEDAW fulfilment. • In humanitarian response situations, provide professional support for one or more rapid assessments (inter-agency or independently if necessary) to be carried out within the first 48-72 hours, working in close collaboration with the humanitarian clusters partners.
3. Programme Performance Monitoring Ensure that the Country Office has quality information to assess progress towards expected results established in annual work plans.
Duties & Tasks • Provide technical support to ensure that a set of programme performance indicators is identified and adjusted as necessary, with inputs of all concerned partners in the context of the multi-year and annual IMEPs, the Annual Management Plan and Annual Work Plans, as outlined in the Programme Policy and Procedures Manual). • Coordinate with partners to ensure that monitoring systems are properly designed, and that data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardised across programmes to feed into to programme performance monitoring, with special attention to humanitarian response. • Drawing on monitoring and analysis of key program performance and management indicators, provide professional input to management reports, including relevant sections of the annual reports.
4. Evaluation Ensure that UNICEF-supported evaluations are designed and implemented to established UN quality standards, and the results are disseminated in a timely fashion to stakeholders in order to improve programme performance and contribute to wider learning.
Duties & Tasks • Technically support programme partners to formulate Terms of Reference and evaluation designs of high quality, when relevant drawing on the know-how of knowledge institutions, in compliance with the organization’s programme evaluation policies and guidelines.. • Monitor and ensure the quality of the field work and data management during the implementation phase, and the quality of the analysis and ease of understanding during the report writing phase. • Disseminate evaluation findings and recommendations to the intended audiences in user-friendly methods. In particular, to ensure that effective participatory feedback is provided to community and civil society stakeholders. • Monitor and ensure that a management response to the findings and recommendations of the evaluation is completed, recorded, and followed up for implementation. Most specifically, ensure that evaluation recommendations are submitted to the Country Management Team and follow-up actions recorded in CMT minutes. Submit electronic copies of all evaluations to NYHQ via the Evaluation Data Base web portal, with full accompanying documentation.
5. M&E Capacity Building Ensure that the monitoring and evaluation capacities of Country Office staff and national partners – government and civil society – are strengthened enabling them to increasingly engage in and lead monitoring and evaluation processes.
Duties & Tasks • Promote the awareness and understanding of the shared responsibility of M& E function among all staff members through communication, training, learning and development activities organization-wide. • In close collaboration with partners, ensure that an M&E capacity building strategy for UNICEF/UN staff national partners and institutions exists in the context of the IMEP, or UNDAF M&E plan. Pay particular attention so the capacity needs of national partners such as professional evaluation associations will be strengthened by involvement in evaluation processes and possibly through specific capacity building initiatives. • Collaborate to implement capacity building strategies as a joint commitment with other developmental partners. Utilize a range of appropriate skills building strategies including self-learning, seminars and workshops and practical experience in order that UNICEF and UN staff have the basic knowledge and skills in understanding and applying new M&E policies, tools, methods to fulfil their responsibilities. Similarly, design and implement strategies suited to the skills needs of national partners.• Actively seek partnerships with knowledge institutions for the identification of capacity gaps and development of strategies to address them.
6. Coordination and Networking Ensure that the UNICEF office is effectively linked to wider UNICEF M&E developments in a way that both contributes to and benefits from organizational learning on effective M&E management.
Duties & Tasks • Collaborate with Regional M&E Advisers and HQ Evaluation Office for overall coordination of priority research, monitoring and evaluation activities, especially those of regional scope requiring the coordinated effort of multiple countries. • Partner with the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser to ensure that current and accurate M&E data and results are included in regional reports, multi-country studies, and knowledge sharing networks. • Undertake lessons-learned reviews on successful and unsuccessful M&E practices and experience at the national level, and ensure they are shared as appropriate. Similarly, pay attention to M&E knowledge networks to identify innovations and lessons learned that may be relevant for the CO and partners to improve their M&E function.
Job Grade Factors• Country Program Size: Small to medium CP (based on UNICEF’s Country Office Category). • Risk of Emergencies: Humanitarian crises, if they occur, are expected to arrive in sudden-onset natural disasters or in longer-term recurrent problems like drought. • Technical Breadth: Must be capable of independent leadership in IMEP development and management. Should have significant professional strength and office leadership responsibilities in at least 3 of the remaining 5 functional areas (Social Data, Programme Planning, Evaluations, Capacity Building, Coordination and Partnership) • Sectoral Breadth: Will be required to offer substantive support to 2-3 of the 5 MTSP Key Results Areas; should possess academic or professional work exposure to the MTSP themes prioritized in the Country Programme. • Innovation and Conceptualization. Considered fully competent to apply standardized approaches and models; expected to seek support from regional or HQ level when innovating approaches, techniques and policies. • Technical and Managerial Engagement: Primary roles are in technical support and quality assurance. Normal counterparts are ministerial and academic/private specialists. Is occasionally a Coordinator/Team Leader with broader managerial roles. • Capacity Strengthening: Fully competent to organize and help deliver specialized training, including the design of materials and methods. Not expected to develop capacity strengthening strategies without external support. • Networking: Ability to effectively liaise with knowledge institutions to seek partnerships in formulating capacity strengthening strategy. • Supervisory Role: Not expected to supervise more than one professional post at levels 1-2. May supervise multiple consultants up to Level 4 work.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
For every Child, you demonstrate…
UNICEF’s core values of Commitment, Diversity and Integrity and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.
The competencies required for this post are:
UNICEF’s core values of Commitment, Diversity and Integrity and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.
The functional competencies required for this post areLeading and Supervising, Formulating Strategies and Concepts, Analysing, Applying Technical, Expertise, Planning and Organizing.
View our competency framework at
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
How to apply:
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization. To apply, click on the following link